Ticks and Lyme disease. You hear about it again and again, but why is that? How can you prevent it?
The Center of Disease Control (CDC) is monitoring tick populations in every state, specifically the increased risk of Lyme disease. This also allows programs for public outreach and education on the disease.
According to the article, “CDC research shows uptick in Lyme disease cases” by Diane Sofranec, Lyme disease is on the rise in the United States and it is time to take action!
Lyme disease numbers are higher than estimated
The estimation from the CDC has shown about 300,000 cases of Lyme disease, prior to a new case study. However, investigator Sofranec stated the Consumer Reports, a non-profit organization, reported about 476,000 cases, stating a new estimation was made from the CDC.
This new estimation was from 2010 to 2018 and was based on insurance claims. Unfortunately, these claims did not suggest each of those claiming had Lyme disease. This was due to the fact researchers did not conduct proper review of testing and symptoms to confirm Lyme disease was the culprit.
On the contrary, researchers documented those that claimed with insurance and received treatment. Utilizing CDC data, researchers used statistical analysis to estimate the amount of cases across the United States.
Again, Consumer Reports was concerned Lyme disease coded nor documented properly for health insurance claims. Thus, there are milestones when diagnosing Lyme disease. This includes new technologies in the medical and laboratory systems.

Step up your tick management services
Knowing infected ticks are out there is just the beginning. A proper tick management plan is needed to prevent the spread of Lyme disease. These include a few resources:
- Education – each state may have their own tick education resources, but here is an overview from the CDC.
- Identification – The Tick App is a great resource to help identify ticks in your area!
- Management – an adequate, safe product will ensure the prevention of Lyme disease.
Additionally, here are a few tips for pest control professionals to help end the spread of Lyme disease.
In conclusion, ticks are out there and so is the well-known disease, Lyme disease. Everyone should be aware of the risk of this disease, especially after being bitten by a tick.
To deter the disease, a natural tick repellent should become part of your product line to help repel ticks from your customer’s yard.