25(b) Licensing Requirements

Do you need a license to apply 25(b) - Natural products - commercially in your state?

If you are a pest control professional, you likely already have all your necessary licenses to operate in your state. However, if you are new to the pest control industry, you might be curious if a license is required in your specific state.

In some instances, Natural products require the same licenses as conventional synthetic pesticides. In other states, however, the rules for Natural products, or 25(b) exempt products, are different.

The following list is our best effort to collect the information as we understand it today. This information was collected in early 2022. These are not the official rules from the state. Your state and local regulators are the only people who can give you the definitive correct answer as to which license is required. Please use this webpage, it’s links, and our video as guidance to help you investigate your relevant laws, regulations, and rules. We recommend reaching out to your Department of Agriculture to verify what license you may need. 

Check out the video for a quick overview of all 50 states.

For your specific state, continue to the list below.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Alabama? 

If you are applying 25(b) Natural products in Alabama you will need a license, and might have to follow some extra steps. Here is an explanation of what I mean. From the Alabama Professional Services rules 80-10-9, pest control work where an individual or company is providing their services for hire is considered Professional Services work and the person or company must first obtain proper certification and then apply for an annual license. If you are applying Stop the Bites®! Mosquito and Tick, or any mosquito and tick control, this type of control falls under Alabama’s Household Pest Control category. This means the person applying will be required to be examined and obtain proper certification for that type of work along with getting a business license to perform said work.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) - Natural products - for commercial services in Alaska?

The short answer is yes, you need a license. In Alaska, state regulations 18-AAC-90.300 requires you to be a Certified Pest Applicator for commercial application. This means if you use, or supervise, the use of pesticides on property other than your own, it is considered “custom, commercial, or contract” application and requires certification. This regulation applies to all pesticides, whether they are 25(b) or not! For more information on pesticide licensing in Alaska, click here


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Arizona? 

Yes, you do. The State of Arizona says that any work in the pest control field requires a license, regardless if it is a natural product or not. This certified applicator license would need to be issued under the Industrial and Institutional category. The Industrial and Institutional category is defined as pest management in or about a residential or other structure excluding anti-microbial pest management, fungi inspection, or pest management covered by another certification category. This includes public health pest management such as adult mosquitoes.

To see Arizona’s Pest Management FAQ’s, click here


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Arkansas?

The answer is yes. As a commercial pest control applicator, you must be licensed. Below is part of the Arkansas Pest Control Program:

“Pest control service” means any person who, for compensation, gives advice or engages in work to prevent, control, or repel arthropods, mammals, birds, reptiles, or wood-damaging or wood-destroying organisms that may invade or infest homes, other buildings, or similar structures and shall include arthropods, mammals, birds, reptiles, weeds, and plant diseases that may invade, infest, or infect shade trees, shrubs, lawns, turf, and pecan groves. This term shall also include any person who issues letters of clearance, or who shall solicit such work in any manner, but the term shall not be construed to include agricultural crops from planting to harvest other than those mentioned above;” 

If you have any questions, please visit the Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s website or contact the Pesticide Section at (501) 225-1598 or


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in California?

In California, regardless of if an individual is applying a FIFRA 25(b) exempt product, the products are still pesticides and individuals for hire are still subject to the Department of Pesticide Regulations licensing requirements. 

This means that if an individual is going to spray mosquito treatment in your yard for hire – or any form of pest control – that person must possess a DPR Pest Control Business (PCB) License. In addition, the PCB must have an individual responsible at each business location to supervise the operations of the business. This supervising individual must possess a DPR Qualified Applicator License (QAL) and hold the appropriate pest control category(ies) for pest control activities conducted by the PCB.

Check out the Pest Control Business License Packet which includes all of the requirements and information for getting your license in California. For information on the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s website regarding obtaining your license, click here


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Colorado?

Yes, anyone applying pesticides, including 25(b) products, for hire needs to have a commercial applicator’s license in the state of Colorado. To easily apply for a license, visit the Pesticide Applicator Licensing Online Portal. 

Contact Neal Kittelson, the Pesticide Applicator Coordinator, at 303-869-9063 for questions. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Connecticut? 

Yes, you do. Any pesticides applied commercially in the state of Connecticut require a certification for the applicator, as well as a business registration. This applies to all pesticides, including 25(b) (like Stop the Bites®!), organic, and conventional products. Check out the Pertinent Pesticides Statutes and Regulations for the state of Connecticut for the exact rules. Click here for details on how to get your license, and more on the DEEP’s website.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Delaware?

Yes, you do! If you are applying a Natural product or any pesticide as part of a business, you need a pesticide business license in the State of Delaware. The Pesticide Law in the State of Delaware Code goes into great detail of the law. For more information on obtaining your license in Delaware, check out this page.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Florida? 

Yes. In the state of Florida you will need a license to apply any pest control. To put it simply, anyone who performs commercial pest control using any product or device must be licensed, and may only use pesticides that are registered by the state of Florida. Reference Chapter 482 under the Florida Statute of the Florida Structural Control Act for more detailed information. Then, for information on how to obtain your license, visit the Florida Department of Agriculture’s website.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Georgia? 

Yes, you do. In Georgia you must have a Category 41 Commercial Applicators license in order to apply pesticides, even if it is a 25(b) product! Visit this page on the University of Georgia Extension website for more information! 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Hawaii? 

The Aloha State does require that you have a license in order to apply pesticides, regardless of the type of product. The Pest Control Board issues licenses for pest control operators and pest control field representatives. A pest control operator is any person who personally, or through others, offers to undertake or practices pest control. A pest control field representative is any individual who is licensed by the board to secure pest control work, identify infestations, make inspections, submit bids, or sign contracts on behalf of a licensed operator.

If you plan on participating in any of the above for hire in Hawaii, you need a license. For a detailed explanation, check out the HAR 16-94-66 – the requirements of federal and state pesticides laws. For an application form and more information on pursuing your license, visit this page on the Hawaii Pest Control Board’s website.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Idaho? 

The short answer is yes. All persons that perform professional pesticide application (commercial applications) need to have the appropriate pesticide license and in the correct categories. The type of pesticide does not matter; if the person is applying the pesticide for compensation, then they need to have a professional Idaho pesticide applicator license along other requirements.

Those requirements are outlined in the administrative rules: IDAPA 02.03.03. Check them out for more details! Also, click here for a fillable PDF application form. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Illinois? 

In Illinois, you do not need a license to commercially apply 25(b) products! If you are applying restricted-use pesticides, you need a license, but 25(b) products do not require a license. 

To view the full act and its rules, check out the Illinois Pesticide Act. For questions and contact information, head to the bottom of this page on the Illinois Dep. of Agriculture’s website.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Indiana? 

The answer is yes. If you will be spraying for hire you will need a license in the State of Indiana. So if you plan on applying natural mosquito control on a yard or treating a tick nest at a school and you are getting paid, you will need a license. For any questions, view this list of contacts at the Office of Indiana State Chemist to find who to reach out to! 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Iowa? 

In the state of Iowa, if you will be spraying pesticides for hire, you must have a license and a certification. That means if you are going to do a mosquito treatment in someone’s yard, or spray a property for ticks, or apply pesticides to rid of any pests, you must have a license. See how to obtain your Applicator License and Certification on the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s website. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Kansas? 

You will need a license in Kansas. The Kansas Pesticide Law requires individuals to become certified as commercial applicators and to obtain a pesticide business license before applying pesticides to someone else’s property for compensation.  This information is stated on the webpage, specifically on the page Pesticide Business.

For a more detailed answer, check out the Kansas Pesticide Law.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Kentucky?

Kentucky, like many other states, does require you to have a pest control license if you are applying a pesticide commercially. The Kentucky Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Branch states that “All commercial pest control companies must have an operator’s license and be registered to legally perform work in Kentucky.” In order to apply pesticides in daycares, schools, hospitals, etc., you will need additional certification. See this page on the Kentucky Dept. of Ag website for detailed information! 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Louisiana? 

In the state of Louisiana, you will need a license and certification in order to apply any pesticide for a fee. The Pesticide Licensing and Certification page on the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s website has all the info you need to know on pest control licensing in their state!  


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Maine? 

Yes. Applicators of 25(b) products and all pesticides must be licensed if they plan on providing a service for which compensation is received. The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry has done an excellent job putting together a very informational website with this information. Learn all about the Board of Pesticide’s Licensing and Certification rules


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Maryland? 

Maryland does require a pest control license, even for 25(b) product applications. You must get a Certified Applicator’s license along with a Business license underneath Category 8; Public Health & Mosquito Control (if you are applying mosquito treatment). 

Check out the Pesticide Applicator Certification and Business Licensing Requirements for the state of Maryland. Then, if you have more questions, check out this page on the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s page for more information. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Massachussets?

This one is a tad bit complicated. As of right now (February 18th, 2022) you do not need a license to apply 25(b) products on a property of another for hire. However, the state is in the process of changing that rule. It is unknown when the law will officially be changed, but be aware of possible changes. 

For questions, contact one of Massachusett’s Pesticide Inspectors, Laurie Rocco, at


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Michigan?

In Michigan, you will need a license in order to apply pesticides, regardless if they are 25(b) exempt or not. Those that apply pesticides for a commercial purpose are required to be certified or registered as pesticide applicators. Along with that, commercial applicator businesses are required to obtain a commercial pesticide applicator business license for each place of business. 

Applicators and businesses that apply pesticides for hire must be licensed in the appropriate categories for that specific type of application. View this document that explains which categories you should be licensed in. 

Find out how to become a Certified Pesticide Applicator and how to obtain your Pesticide Applicator Business License by following the respective links. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Minnesota?

The “Land of 10,000 Lakes” does require a pest control license. Regardless if the product is 25(b) or not, anytime a pesticide is applied, the applicator must have the appropriate license. 

Check out the Minnesota Statute 18B.33 for a detailed explanation. Also be sure to visit this website for more information on a Commercial Pesticide Applicator License.  


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Mississippi?

Yes. The State of Hospitality requires you to have a pest control license to commercially apply (even for natural products). The Mississippi Statutes outline the law in great detail. For contact information and links to more information, visit the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce’s website. Check them out!


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Missouri?

You indeed will need a license in the state of Missouri. Regardless of the status of the product, an individual applying pesticides for hire will need a commercial applicator license.

Check out the Commercial Applicator page on the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s website to find out what steps you need to take to get your license. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Montana? 

Yes. In the state of Montana, you will need to have a Commercial Applicator’s license in order to apply any pesticide for hire. That license will need to be issued under Category 34 – Ornamental and Turf pest control. 

For all the information you need to know on obtaining your license in Montana, visit this page


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Nebraska?

Nope, not in Nebraska! According to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, 25(b) exempt products are still considered pesticides, so they are subject to interpretation for certified applicator licensing. For purposes of mosquito control, this license would come under Category 9; Public health pest vectors. A license is only required for restricted use pesticides (not 25(b) products) or if the practice includes wide area applications for political subdivisions of the state. If you are doing 25(b) commercial applications to private properties, one property at a time, it would not require certification. 

For everything you need to know about Pesticides in Nebraska, visit this page


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Nevada?

Yes, individuals who apply pesticides for hire (including 25(b) products) need to be licensed with the Nevada Department of Agriculture.  Even though 25(b) products are considered minimum risk, they are still conducting pest control which includes soliciting and detecting.

Here are the specific statutes that state this rule.

      NRS 555.280  License as applicator required for natural persons to engage in pest control.  A natural person, including, without limitation, any consultant, demonstrator, researcher or specialist, shall not engage in pest control or serve as an agent, operator, pilot, primary principal, location principal or principal for that purpose within this State at any time without a license as an applicator issued by the Director.

      NRS 555.2667  “Pest control” defined.  “Pest control” means conducting as a function of the agency, in the case of a city, county, state or other governmental agency, or publicly holding oneself out as being in the business of detecting, preventing, controlling or exterminating pests or otherwise engaging in, advertising or soliciting for:

      1.  The use of pesticides or mechanical devices for the extermination, control or prevention of infestations of pests.

      2.  The inspection of households or other structures and the submission of reports of inspection, estimates or bids, written or oral, for the inspection, extermination, control or prevention of wood-destroying pests.

New Hampshire

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in New Hampshire? 

You do need a license in the state of New Hampshire. The state requires you to have a pest control license regardless of the type of pesticide being applied. 

For more information on Commercial Applicator Licensing in New Hampshire, click here.

New Jersey

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in New Jersey?

You don’t need a license in New Jersey for Stop the Bites®! or any 25(b) exempt product! This can be confusing because the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection rule states If you apply pesticides “for hire” in New Jersey, State law requires that your business obtain a Pesticide Applicator Business License. However, since our product is a 25(b) exempt product, we were told that applicators do not need a license to apply our product professionally.

New Mexico

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in New Mexico?

New Mexico requires that you have a license if you are going to be applying pesticides commercially. The type of license and category you will need depends on the type of work that you will be performing.

Visit the New Mexico Dept. of Agriculture’s site for Pesticide Licensing Types and Certification Categories.

New York

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in New York?

Yes, in New York you will need a license to apply 25(b) products. Since applying these products is a commercial application of a pesticide, it requires certification.

In New York City and eight other New York State counties, The New York City Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law requires commercial pesticide applicators to provide written notice to neighboring residents at least 48 hours before applying lawn pesticide.

Some of you may ask “does the New York Local Law 36 apply to me if I am using 25(b) Natural products?” The answer is no! Applicators applying pesticides classified by the EPA as exempt materials under 40 CFR Part 152.25 (which are 25(b) products) do not need to provide written notice to the neighbors of where you are applying. This information sheet includes all the common questions asked about the New York City Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law. Check it out! For more questions, call the New York DEC at 518-402-8727. 

North Carolina

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in North Carolina? 

The answer is yes, you will need a license. North Carolina states that if you will be applying any pesticide for hire, you need to have a commercial applicator license. Specifically, if you will be spraying to rid of mosquitoes and ticks, you will need that license under the public health category.

For information on certification on licensing, visit the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ website. 

North Dakota

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in North Dakota?

In North Dakota, a pesticide is defined as anything used to kill, control, or mitigate pests. If you are applying the pesticide for hire, then you will need certification. 

Like several states, you will go through a training and test requirement before receiving your license. It also must be issued in a certain category, depending on what you are treating. 

For information on how to become a certified applicator or dealer in North Dakota, please contact Andrew Thostenson at (701) 231-7180 or


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Ohio?

The Buckeye State requires you to have a license to apply a 25(b) product when making a pesticide application for hire. A firm would need to have a Pesticide Business License and employ at least one licensed Commercial Applicator (in the proper use categories).  

For more information on how to obtain your license in Ohio, click here. To view all the pesticide Laws & Rules in Ohio, click here. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Oklahoma?  

For a short answer, yes you do. The State of Oklahoma requires you to have a pest control license if you are going to charge for your services. 

For the longer answer, check out the Oklahoma Combined Pesticide Laws and Rules. For more information, check out this page on Pesticide Safety Education


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Oregon?

Like several other states, any pesticide application, be it “natural”, over the counter, or otherwise requires a license for application on someone else’s property.

For a simple explanation and contact information, visit this page on the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture’s website. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Pennsylvania? 

The state of Pennsylvania does require licensing for performing all pesticide applications, regardless if the product is a 25(b) exempt – Natural product – or not. Visit Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s page for more information on how to become certified. 

Rhode Island

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Rhode Island? 

Rhode Island says yes. Even a 25(b) exempt product application must be completed by a licensed applicator. If any product is being applied to treat pests on someone else’s property, you will need a license. 

For info on how to obtain your license and to visit the RI DEM website, click here. To see detailed information on the requirements, check out the Rhode Island Pesticide Rules and Regulations.

South Carolina

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in South Carolina? 

If you are going to be performing any pest control activities in South Carolina in any of their mandatory categories (3, 5, 7A, 7B, 8 of this list of categories), you must be a licensed applicator. Check out the Clemson University’s Pesticide Regulation page to find out how to obtain your commercial pesticide license in South Carolina. 

South Dakota

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in South Dakota?

Regardless of the type of pesticide in South Dakota, if one will be applying this product for hire, a commercial applicator’s license is needed. 

You are considered a commercial applicator if you:

  • Engage in the business of applying pesticides to the lands of another;
  • Advertise as being in the business of applying pesticides to the lands of another at any time;
  • Apply pesticides while in the performance of duties as a governmental employee; or
  • Otherwise act as a commercial applicator.
To contact the Pesticide Education Specialist at South Dakota State University, email Amanda Bachmann.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Tennessee?

Yes. In Tennessee a certified applicator license is required to apply any pesticide commercially. This license would need to be issued under a certain category depending what you are treating. Visit this page on the TN Dept. of Agriculture’s website for all the information you need to know about licensing in Tennessee. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Texas? 

Everything’s bigger in Texas, but there’s no big surprise here. If you will be applying any pesticide for a fee, then you will need a license. To apply Stop the Bites®! you would need a Structural Pest Control Certified Commercial Applicator License. That license will need to be issued in Category 1 – Pest Control. The State of Texas has a great website with all the information you need to know. Check out the Structural Pest Control Service page for any questions you might have.


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Utah?

You will need a license. It may sound like I’m repeating myself, but to apply any pesticide commercially in Utah, a license is required.  

For more information on commercial applicator licenses in Utah, click here


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Vermont?

Yep. Regardless of the type of pesticide, 25(b) or not, if you are applying it for hire you will need a license. 

Vermont’s Applicator Types and Resources gives you all the information you need to know!


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Virginia?

In Virginia, the FIFRA 25(b) exemption does not matter when it comes to licensing requirements. An applicator in Virginia would need to have Commercial Pesticide Applicator or Registered Technician certification in order to be eligible to apply the product for hire. Visit this page on the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences’ website for details on eligibility for a commercial applicator license. 


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Washington?

In Washington State, you will need a license. If you will be applying pesticides to the land or property of another, you will either need a Commercial Applicator or Commercial Operator license. 

Visit this page on the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s page for excellent details on everything you need!

West Virginia

Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in West Virginia?

The State of West Virginia states that if you are going to be applying a pesticide of any kind on someone else’s property or public property, you will need to be certified. Specifically, you would need a commercial applicator’s certification. 

Pesticide Applicator Licensing & Certification Requirements have the details on what license you would specifically need. If that doesn’t answer your question, you can find contact information and several more links on the Department of Agriculture’s website!


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Wisconsin?

The simple answer is yes in Wisconsin. To commercially apply any pesticides, including 25(b), you need to be certified and licensed.

If you are applying in a landscape setting, you would need the license to be under category 5.0 (Mosquito and Aquatic) and 3.0 (Turf and Landscape).

Click here to purchase training manuals. Then, once you have studied and you are ready to take the exam, you can follow this link to schedule an exam. On that page, you can also find a link to schedule a computer based exam for a $45 fee if you choose to go that route. 

Finally, once you are certified, you can then apply for a license

For any questions, email the Wisconsin DATCP


Do I need a license to apply 25(b) – Natural products – for commercial services in Wyoming?

Finally, in Wyoming you will also need a license. Any type of pesticide application, when doing it as a service, requires a license. 

For information on obtaining your Commercial Applicator’s license, check out the Pesticide Safety Education Program

Share your thoughts on the states’ requirements, or add any questions/comments in the comments section below! Also, feel free to let us know if you see any errors in factual information. 
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