mosquito control

mosquito control with essential oils

Essential Oils and Mosquito Treatments

Ah, essential oils! They have shown benefits for so many things. Shampoos, facewash, cleaners, candles, etc… And best of all..  stopping those blood-sucking creatures called mosquitos (and ticks)! Check out how essential oils can be an alternative mosquito treatment! This is what researchers from the University of Calicut found out in their study, “Essential oils of […]

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Do barrier mosquito treatments work?

Introduction In areas that mosquito-spraying does not occur, many homeowners might hire a company themselves. In North Carolina, there are three viruses that are carried by mosquitos: La Crosse encephalitis virus, West Nile virus, and Eastern equine encephalitis virus. To combat the diseases and the mosquitos that carry them, the homeowners could hire a private

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